In typical circumstances, the person who causes a car wreck bears legal and financial responsibility toward their victims. That person must pay for the victims' repair bills, lost income, and other accident-related costs. Those costs come from the insurance that the responsible party has on their property or vehicle.
However, some accidents leave questions about whom is responsible for what happened. In these cases, it can benefit you to hire a no-fault insurance attorney to represent you.
Filing Claims
Your no-fault insurance attorney can determine what policy against which to file claims in your name. If the person who is believed to be the cause of the wreck has no-fault insurance, they may be the most logical person to target with claims. Their insurance is likely to cover their costs, as well as others involved in the accident, regardless of whom really is the culpable party.
Your lawyer can file a reasonable claim on your behalf to get your costs paid for right away. They can make a claim to get your car fixed, lost income covered, and medical bills paid for in full.
Defending Yourself
However, if you are the person with no-fault insurance, you may find yourself the target of an influx of claims. If these claims pay out, they can cause your insurance premiums to skyrocket. The insurer even has the option of canceling your policy for excessive claims made against you.
Your no-fault insurance attorney can vet the claims coming in against your insurer and make sure that they have a legal basis. They can litigate those that are frivolous or unfounded. Your lawyer can prevent you from being subject to paying for expenses for which you are not liable.
Finally, your no-fault insurance attorney can negotiate any settlements that your insurer wants to issue to claimants. They can make sure that the settlements are realistic and reasonable for the circumstances. You avoid being held liable for large settlements that will get your policy canceled and leave you in need of new insurance.
A no-fault insurance attorney can provide critical services after a car wreck. They can determine the best party against which to file claims. Your lawyer can also make sure that claims made against you are legally founded and realistic for the accident circumstances.
For more information about hiring a no-fault insurance attorney, contact a local law firm. During a consultation, they can hear your account and decide if you have a viable case.