When you are involved in a car accident as a passenger, you will have many rights that are available to you. You will likely be able to receive compensation for your injuries since you will not be at fault for the accident. However, you will need to speak with an auto accident lawyer.
Parties Who Might Be At Fault
The individual operating the vehicle you are in might be considered at fault for the accident. If this isn't the case, the party that is likely to be held at fault is the other driver. In rare cases, no one will be considered at fault and you may need to rely on your own health insurance provider.
Tort Insurance
In some states, such as Pennsylvania, you are allowed to carry tort insurance. If you are a passenger who is involved in a crash and you are carrying tort insurance, you will be covered. If the other driver is carrying tort insurance, you are entitled to compensation through their tort insurance program.
Some tort insurance programs are considered limited, and you will only be entitled to compensation for economic damages. Others are considered full tort insurance programs, and you will also be entitled to pain and suffering.
Liability Insurance
If the other driver is responsible for the accident, you may be entitled to compensation through a liability insurance program. If this is the case, you will file a claim against the insurance provider of the other driver as an injured passenger. However, the insurance provider will do everything possible to avoid being considered liable. Therefore, you will need to turn to an auto accident attorney to prove that the other driver was at fault for your injuries.
When Your Driver Is at Fault
Even if your driver is at fault, you may still need help from an auto accident attorney. You will need to prove that you are as injured as you claim. Often, insurance providers will attempt to argue that the injuries of the policyholder are the result of a pre-existing condition.
To prove that you were injured, you must prove that the accident occurred, prove that you are injured, and have medical records that prove that your injuries are directly the result of the accident. However, with the help of an experienced auto accident attorney, you will be more likely to reach a settlement because your attorney will negotiate on your behalf.